How To Set Yourself Up For Success In A Virtual Workplace

2020 has brought us many lessons, and one of them is how to work in a virtual workplace. Whatever form work takes in 2021, one thing is for sure - working remotely is here to stay in some form or the other. Here are some tips to set yourself up for success in a virtual world.

1. Self-management

2020 has made emotional intelligence not just a nice to have for both employee and leaders but an absolutely critical quotient to have in order to succeed in the corporate space. Prior to this year, companies would give EQ a lot of lip service but when it came down to rewarding talent, those who got results were rewarded regardless of who they were BEING or how they treated others. The WHAT (results) mattered more than the HOW. The economic, social, political, and mental health crisis that the globe experienced this year has literally made it impossible for people to achieve results without any attention paid to how they were treated.

Self management, according to the authors of Emotional Intelligence 2.0 is your ability to use awareness of your emotions to actively choose what you say and do. This is not however, just about biting your tongue so that you don’t explode and say mean things to your co-workers or boss. Self management requires more proactivity than that. It is about caring for your whole being as part of your lifestyle so that when the daily challenges arise, you have built a strong basis for resiliency and inner strength. These self care activities include proper sleep routine, taking breaks throughout the day to mentally recharge, getting exercise, start and end times for the day, setting up an organized work area, and even getting dressed for work to have a boost of motivational energy even if working from home.

Self-management is about being proactive in creating an environment and lifestyle that fully supports you instead of reacting to everything that comes to you, which can leave you feeling scattered, drained and confused.

What are some routines that you can incorporate in your work day that will provide you with the support you need to thrive while working at home? Do you need additional equipment, technology or personal assistance from those you live with? Knowing what you need to feel FULLY SUPPORTED is essential. Your mind and body are your most important assets, do what you need to protect the ASSET.

2. Be proactive in all relationships

Having a strong network is extremely vital in being able to get ahead in business or career. It was already challenging for many to be strategic and intentional about the relationships they built in the workplace to advance their careers. I have previously written articles about how important it is to have mentors, sponsors and coaches in your network if you want to level up in your career. In order to continuing building and growing that network, it is even more essential now to be proactive. The days of being able to run into people in the elevator or at the coffee shop are scarcer than ever before. Now, you have to have the confidence and courage to reach out proactively and set up time on people’s calendars - be it your boss or a potential mentor.

Invisibility is the kiss of DEATH to your career. Make sure you are not invisible while working at home by reaching out proactively to your professional network.

3. Influence through positivity

2020’s crisis has lead to many feeling intense level of despair and even anxiety, and this shows up in the workplace in many toxic ways in the workplace from passive aggressive actions, to hostility and increased disengagement. The people who will win in this work environment will not be the ones that participate in the behavior or even tolerate it, it will be the leaders who have the inner fortitude to rise up and transform it. This transformation begins with a positive attitude that is contagious, not fake. This doesn’t mean you are not vulnerable about challenges that you are experiencing but that you have the mindset that is focused on providing solutions to those challenges. You are always thinking above the noise and ahead of the struggle. This is not easy at all, and most people will not be able to do it, therefore the leaders who can shape their culture with a positive attitude and a vision bigger than themselves will be the standout talent in any organization.

I encourage you to practice the habits suggested in bullets one and two, so that you can Be The THERMOSTAT And Not The THERMOMETER in your organization. A thermometer as you know only reads the temperature in the room, while a thermostat sets the temperature.

What actions can you take that will enable you to become an agent of change in your organization? Start reflecting on what you can do for yourself first then think about how you can expand that out to the rest of your department and eventually to the broader organization.

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Guess what, there is more!

Join me in my live MASTERCLASS this Thursday to learn more savvy strategies to level up your career in 2021. Many people are waiting for the pandemic to end in order to make moves to position themselves to win at work and in business. This my friend is reactionary and not proactive, corporations are hiring and making promotion decisions now to have the best talent already in their organization equipped and ready to go when the bounce back comes. Get ready now for that bounce back so that when the opportunity arises you are prepared. Don’t forget SUCCESS is when OPPORTUNITY meets PREPARATION, so let’s GET READY.

Click on the picture below to sign up for this FREE LIVE MASTERCLASS.

Kisha Wynter